Green Belt

6th Kup / Green Belt grading syllabus

Pattern: Won hyo 28 movements
Won hyo was the noted monk that introduced Buddhism to the Silla Dynasty in the year 686 A.D.

  • Sitting stance side strike – Annun so yop jirugi
  • L-stance forearm guarding block  - Niunja so Bakat palmok daebi makgi
  • L-stance inward knife hand strike - Niunja so annuro sonkal taerigi
  • Walking stance circular block – Gunnun so dolli myo makgi
  • Fixed stance punch - Gojung so jirugi
  • Ready bending stance - Guburyo sogi
  • Outer forearm guarding block - Bakat palmok daebi makgi
  • Double wrist release
  • Power: left and right turning kick – dollyo chagi
  • Twin vertical punch - Sang sewo jirugi
  • Palm heel block - Son badak makgi
  • Upward Kick with the knee (Knee strike) - Murup Ollyo chagi
  • Twin upset punch - Sang dwijibo jirugi
  • Low section X-fist block  - Gyocha joomuk najunde makgi
2 Step Sparring number 1-3
All attacks begin from left walking stance, low section block
A: Right walking stance, right obverse middle punch
D: Left walking stance, left inner forearm middle block
A: Left front kick, left walking stance
D: Right walking stance, low section X-fist block
D: COUNTER ATTACK: Twin vertical punch to attackers face (target is the cheekbones)
D: Spin anti-clockwise and shift backwards away from the attacker in right L-stance double forearm guarding block
A: Right fixed stance, side punch (right hand)
D: Right L~stance, palm heel block (left hand)
A: Turning kick from back leg, L~stance
D: Left L~stance, outer forearm low section block (right hand)
D: COUNTER ATTACK: Sliding back towards opponent in L~stance with side elbow strike to solar plexus
D: Spin anti-clockwise and shift backwards away from the attacker in right L-stance double forearm guarding block
A: Front kick, landing in right walking stance
D: Right walking stance, low section X-fist block
A: Left walking stance, twin vertical punch
D: Left walking stance, wedging block
D: COUNTER ATTACK: From wedging block grab back of opponents’ head, pulling opponent forwards and striking into solar plexus with right knee
D: Put right foot down and shift backwards away from the attacker in left L-stance double forearm guarding block

Power: Right and left turning kick
Power tests are judged on the following:
1.     Proper technique
2.     Correct striking tool
3.     Proper posture
4.     Accuracy
5.     Destruction of target
What is the meaning of Won Hyo?
Won Hyo was the noted monk that introduced Buddhism to the Silla Dynasty in the year 686 A.D.
How many movements in Won Hyo?
28 movements

What is the meaning of the green belt?
Green signifies the plants growth as Tae kwon do skills begin to develop

What is the meaning of the blue belt?
Blue signifies the heaven towards which the plant matures into a towering tree as training in Tae kwon do progresses.

Describe the indomitable spirit.
It would be used to describe someone who has a very strong character and will not give up. They cannot be subdued or overcome and will keep on trying. It might be applied to someone who keeps going in difficult circumstances, where others would give up.

What does Taekwon-Do literally mean?
Translated literally "Tae" stands for jumping or flying, to kick or smash with the foot. "Kwon" denotes the fist-chiefly to punch or destroy with the hand or fist. "Do" means an art or way - the right way built and paved by the saints and sages in the past.
Describe continuous motion.
A continuous motion is 2 movements in 2 sine waves in 1 breath.

What is the difference between L-stance and fixed stance?
The width of one foot.

What is the difference between grading sparring and competition sparring?
Grading is to show control, movement, blocks and a wide variety of techniques. Competition is only using your best techniques.

What is the Korean for free sparring?
Jayu Matsogi.

How do you form closed ready stance A and what’s the Korean name?
Moa Junbi Sogi A – Both feet together and hands 30cm from the philtrum.

What is the Korean for back piercing kick and what part of the foot is used?
Dwitcha Jirugi using Balkal (foot sword)
What should we consider while performing patterns?
1. Pattern should beging and end at exactly the same spot. This will indicate the performer's accuracy.
2. Correct posture and facing must be maintained at all times.
3. Muscles of the body should be either tensed or relaxed at the proper critical moments in the exercise.
4. The exercise should be performed in a rhythmic movement with an absence of stiffness.
5. Movement should be accelerated or decelerated according to the instructions.
6. Each pattern shuld be perfected before moving to the next.
7. Students should know the purpose of each movement.
8. Students should perform each movement with realism.
9. Attack and defense techniques should be equally distributed among right and left hands and feet.
Grandmaster General Choi Hong Hi teaches Won Hyo in this video:
Green signifies the plants growth as Taekwon-Do skills begin to develop.

Close Ready Stance A
The stance is performed with both feet together and parallel.  The weight is distributed evenly on both feet with the legs straight.  The right fist is lightly cupped in the left hand (with the fingers of the left hand on the knuckles of the right fist) and held 30 centimeters (12.2 inches) in front of the philtrum.  This stance is performed either full or side facing

Fixed Stance
The stance is 2.5 centimeters (1 inch) wide, measured from the inside heel of the front foot to the back heel of the rear foot.  It is one-and-a-half (1.5) shoulder widths long, measured from the big toe of the rear foot to the big toe of the front foot.  The weight is distributed 50% on the rear foot and 50% on the front foot.  The rear leg is bent with the rear foot pointed in 15 degrees.  The front leg is bent with the front foot pointing 15 degrees.  This stance is named for the front foot, and is always performed half facing.

Ready Bending Stance

This stance is performed standing on one bent leg and therefore has no length or width.  The weight is all distributed on the bent supporting leg with the sole of the non-supporting foot placed on the knee joint of the supporting leg and the footsword of the non-supporting foot parallel to the floor.  The knee of the non-supporting leg faces in about 25-30 degrees.  The fists form a middle guarding block.  This stance is named for the stationary leg and is performed full or side facing.

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